Friday, April 4, 2008

Get 'Em While They're Hot...

Seriously, if you're looking for a big reason why this blog took a spring hiatus, look no further than college basketball. Ohio State beat UMass to win the 2008 NIT championship [isert screams of joy here]. Yes, it an honor to win anything, even if it's the Tommy Amaker Invitational. And of course, the extra games were probably good for youngsters like Evan Turner, Jon Diebler and Dallas Lauderdale.

But it's still the NIT. I'm just trying to figure out what the market is for these t-shirts. Do you really want to commemorate this special moment? Could you wear this out with pride? Not without being mocked by every sports fan you encounter. Maybe this is the kind of shirt that you purchase and wear to mow the lawn. Or paint, preferrably indoors. It also might work at the gym, assuming you either live in Columbus or wear it inside out. Frankly, I'd almost rather wear a 2007 BCS game shirt.

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