Revelation 19:11-15,
“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war (on the buckeyes). His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns (national championships). He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood (scarlet), and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (and maize and blue), followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.”
First of all, Mr. McGuffie hurdles many opponents in his various tapes not just the one opponent referred to by my esteemed colleague. Secondly, it is his fierce cutting ability and shocking bursts of speed that should frighten Big 10 defenses more than anything.
As to the personal attacks on his game and style, I'll concede the 8-Mile reference since I really liked that movie. But as to the tennis and track player references:
1. Rivals has him listed at 6' and 185 lbs.
2. His coaches say he "lives in the weight room."
3. He has a 335 lb bench max
4. He has a combine timed 4.3 forty and 3.7 shuttle and 45 inch vertical.
5. His dad (a former HS track star at 180 lbs) is now 6'5" and 270 and Sam's little brother (9th grade) is already 6'1"
6. Sam's last year stats: 3,212 rushing yards and 44 touchdowns on 358 carries
7. This was against Texas 5A competition.
8. Sam's own words,
"When we played Lamar, they called me Superman in the paper, so when they tackled me they would say 'What's up Superman? You're going to try to jump over me?' We ended up wining (29-7). I had 40 carries and killed them. After the game we're shaking hands and they were saying that I was the truth. It's fun. It's good for me. It makes me look better. If I was going against scrubs, that would diminish it. But I'm going against good players."
9. Even after the most recent "spectacular" A & M trip he said UM leads. He grew up a big UM fan. His father and brother are both huge UM fans. He has lots of family in Michigan. UM offered him the #2 which he said was huge. UM is giving him the red carpet treatment and the keys to the throne. Depending on what report you read, he is the only RB offer for 2008. In other words, look for him to end up a wolverine.
"When we played Lamar, they called me Superman in the paper, so when they tackled me they would say 'What's up Superman? You're going to try to jump over me?' We ended up wining (29-7). I had 40 carries and killed them. After the game we're shaking hands and they were saying that I was the truth. It's fun. It's good for me. It makes me look better. If I was going against scrubs, that would diminish it. But I'm going against good players."
9. Even after the most recent "spectacular" A & M trip he said UM leads. He grew up a big UM fan. His father and brother are both huge UM fans. He has lots of family in Michigan. UM offered him the #2 which he said was huge. UM is giving him the red carpet treatment and the keys to the throne. Depending on what report you read, he is the only RB offer for 2008. In other words, look for him to end up a wolverine.
10. I only hope that the James gang stays around for one more year to "test" Mr. McGuffie.
Stay tuned for more posts on the White Horse as the recruiting year continues...
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